C.Basic Wiki
Welcome to the C.Basic Wiki!
This is the most comprehensive wiki for all things related to C.Basic.
269 pages created since June 24, 2020. Anyone can contribute!
About C.Basic

C.Basic is a Casio BASIC program interpreter add-in created by Sentaro21. It was initially released on October 12, 2015, and officially released on January 17, 2017.

C.Basic can access most Casio BASIC programs in both main memory and storage memory, without requiring you to manually change their codes. It also integrates an IDE for easier programming solely on your calculator. The add-in includes many extended commands, while still maintaining the syntax style of Casio BASIC so that you can adapt to the programming environment of C.Basic quickly.

C.Basic is a part of C:Basic Project. At the moment, C.Basic is only an interpreter. In the future, C:Basic will include a complier to further increase the processing speed.
Latest version
C.Basic for FX
FX 2.50 build 2

C.Basic for CG
CG 1.47 build 1
User interfaces
  • File manager
Access, favourite and manage your programs.
  • Program editor
Built-in IDE that helps you program easier.
  • Variable editor
View all variables at a glance.
  • Matrix editor
Manage all matrices, vectors and lists.
  • Character picker
Pick Greek, Russian, Chinese or Japanese characters and other special symbols.
  • Setup page
Adjust the global settings of C.Basic.
  • Execution modes
Information on G1M and G3M modes in C.Basic.
  • Calculation modes
Information on integer, real and complex modes in C.Basic.
  • Data containers
Information on variables, matrices, lists, vectors and strings in C.Basic.
  • VRAMs
Information on VRAMs in C.Basic.
  • Fonts
Information on fonts in C.Basic.
Information on extended commands in C.Basic.
Introductory Things to knowGlossary of termsInstallationBeginner's guide
General WIP
Applications Font File ManagerSystem Manager
Samples BMP_sampleFKeyMenu_sampleGRAPHXY_sampleList_sampleML_sampleOpcodes_sampleRecursive_sampleSERIAL_sampleSystem_sampleTry_Except
Miscellaneous ? Disp Ticks TicksWait BackLight BatteryStatus StoCapt
Structured If Switch Prog Return Local Gosub ACBreak Try
Sketch Text Screen PutDispDD LocateYX FKeyMenu PopUpWin Rect FillRect ReadGraph WriteGraph DotGet DotPut DotTrim DotLife CellSum
Bitmap _Bmp _Bmp8 _Bmp16 _BmpZoom _BmpRotate BmpSave BmpLoad DrawMat _BmpZmRotate SetFont SetFontMini GetFont GetFontMini
MonochromeLib _ClrVram _ClrScreen _DispVram _PixelTest _Test _Pixel _Point _Line _Horizontal _Vertical _Rectangle _Polygon _FillPolygon _Circle _FillCircle _Elips _FillElips _ElipsInRct _FElipsInRct _Paint _Hscroll _Vscroll _Contrast
I/O Locate Getkey Send Recv KeyRow Send38k Receive38k OpenComport38k CloseComport38k Beep IsExist Save Load Delete Rename
Color Back-Color RGB GetRGB HSV GetHSV HSL GetHSL Transp-Color
String ToStr Sprintf StrChar StrCenter StrBase Hex Bin StrSplit StrAsc StrRepl
Setup RefrshCtrl RefrshTime DATE TIME Wait System Version
Calculation Alias Const MatBase ElemSize ColSize RowSize Fix Sci Norm Eng RndFix
Hardware SysCall Call Poke Peek VarPtr ProgPtr