Create a pause. Combine Ticks
and Wait
to get this command.
Ticks[%]Wait duration
- % - enter literally
- duration - integer
- Use 32768-tick measure instead of 128-tick.
- When duration is positive, wait for duration ticks.
- When duration is negative , check if the number of ticks passed since the last
Ticks[%]Wait duration
was executed is smaller than |duration|. Wait until it reaches |duration| if true. '#CBdbl 0->Ticks 1->_count For 1->N To 10 TicksWait 32 'additional 0.25 second pause _count*N->_count Disp _count Next Locate 1,8,"Exec time:"+ToStr(Ticks)+" ticks"
- If assigning negative value:
TicksWait -32 'variable pause
- The loop will consistently run at 4 fps as a result.
Commands | ||
Miscellaneous | ? ’ Disp Ticks TicksWait BackLight BatteryStatus StoCapt
| |
Structured | If Switch Prog Return Local Gosub ACBreak Try
| |
Sketch | Text Screen PutDispDD LocateYX FKeyMenu PopUpWin Rect FillRect ReadGraph WriteGraph DotGet DotPut DotTrim DotLife CellSum
| |
Bitmap | _Bmp _Bmp8 _Bmp16 _BmpZoom _BmpRotate BmpSave BmpLoad DrawMat _BmpZmRotate SetFont SetFontMini GetFont GetFontMini
| |
MonochromeLib | _ClrVram _ClrScreen _DispVram _PixelTest _Test _Pixel _Point _Line _Horizontal _Vertical _Rectangle _Polygon _FillPolygon _Circle _FillCircle _Elips _FillElips _ElipsInRct _FElipsInRct _Paint _Hscroll _Vscroll _Contrast
| |
I/O | Locate Getkey Send Recv KeyRow Send38k Receive38k OpenComport38k CloseComport38k Beep IsExist Save Load Delete Rename
| |
Color | Back-Color RGB GetRGB HSV GetHSV HSL GetHSL Transp-Color
| |
String | ToStr Sprintf StrChar StrCenter StrBase Hex Bin StrSplit StrAsc StrRepl
| |
Setup | RefrshCtrl RefrshTime DATE TIME Wait System Version
| |
Calculation | Alias Const MatBase ElemSize ColSize RowSize Fix Sci Norm Eng RndFix
| |
Hardware | SysCall Call Poke Peek VarPtr ProgPtr