C.Basic Wiki

Create a pause. Combine Ticks and Wait to get this command.


Ticks[%]Wait duration

  • % - enter literally
  • duration - integer



Use 32768-tick measure instead of 128-tick.


When duration is positive, wait for duration ticks.
When duration is negative , check if the number of ticks passed since the last Ticks[%]Wait duration was executed is smaller than |duration|. Wait until it reaches |duration| if true.
For 1->N To 10
    TicksWait 32   'additional 0.25 second pause
    Disp _count
Locate 1,8,"Exec time:"+ToStr(Ticks)+" ticks"
If assigning negative value:
    TicksWait -32   'variable pause
The loop will consistently run at 4 fps as a result.
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